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ORLEN Unipetrol with the cities of Most and Litvínov launches a pilot operation of a hydrogen bus

ORLEN Unipetrol with the cities of Most and Litvínov launches a pilot operation of a hydrogen bus

The refining and petrochemical group ORLEN Unipetrol will launch in cooperation with the cities of Most and Litvínov a pilot operation of a hydrogen bus developed by the Slovak company Mobility&Innovation Production s.r.o. "The hydrogen bus will be put into operation on selected lines in the cities of Most and Litvínov from Thursday 29 June to Sunday 9 July," said Daniel Dunovský, director of the Transport Company of the cities of Most and Litvínov, adding: "The bus will operate in Most for the first few days, then it will move to Litvínov and on the last day of testing it will be back in Most." The pilot operation will include a presentation of the hydrogen bus to the public on Wednesday 28 June from 13:00 to 14:30 in front of the municipal office in Litvínov and from 15:00 to 16:30 in front of the municipality in Most.

Most and Litvínov became one of the first cities in the Czech Republic to deploy a hydrogen bus in regular service on regular routes. "We see hydrogen as one of the essential tools for meeting decarbonisation targets. ORLEN Unipetrol has opened up an ideal opportunity for us to test a hydrogen bus in Most. If the test run is successful, we will start taking concrete steps to get such a bus into the fleet of our transport company by the end of 2024," says Marek Hrvol, Mayor of the Statutory City of Most.

"This is also a welcome opportunity for our city to make real progress on the road to developing low- and zero-emission mobility in public transport," adds Kamila Bláhová, Mayor of Litvínov: "The testing of the hydrogen bus is divided into two phases. After the current, summer testing, we will implement a test run also in the winter months."

The two cities are cooperating on the test operation of the hydrogen bus with the ORLEN Unipetrol Group, which facilitated and financially supported the hydrogen bus for this pilot project. "We are responsibly participating in the development of a new technology that will soon play an important role in the energy mix to meet the goals of clean mobility and decarbonisation, which are part of the emission-free development of the European Union and the Czech Republic," explains Tomáš Herink, member of the Board of Directors of ORLEN Unipetrol, adding: "Hydrogen technology is an ideal complement to battery electric mobility for the development of low-emission and emission-free passenger, mass and freight transport on the road and rail."

The low-floor electric bus with hydrogen fuel cells was developed by the Slovak company Mobility&Innovation Production s.r.o. It has an overall length of 7,982 cm, a width of 2,550 cm and a height of 2,940 cm. Its maximum capacity is up to 68 passengers, of which 20 are seated. The fully air-conditioned bus can travel up to 350 km on hydrogen and another 100 km on battery. The bus is powered by a Siemens Elfa electric motor with a total output of 125 kW and 1,019 Nm of torque. The electric motor is powered by a pair of batteries with a total capacity of 70 kWh. The total capacity of the four hydrogen tanks is 10.5 kg and refuelling takes 10 minutes.

Hydrogen bus test operation schedule:






Tuesday 4/7/2023: Line 13 (JANOV-KOLDÚM AND BACK)


Thursday 6/7/2023: Line 13 (JANOV-KOLDŮM AND BACK)

Friday 7/7/2023: Lines 8, 27 and 28 (INTERNAL TRANSPORT IN CHEMPARK),

Saturday 8/7/2023: Line 13 (JANOV-KOLDÚM AND BACK)


The ORLEN Unipetrol Group is the largest refining and petrochemical company in the Czech Republic. It focuses on crude oil processing and the production, distribution and sale of vehicle fuels and petrochemical products – particularly plastics and fertilisers. It belongs among the key players on the Czech and Central European markets in all these areas. The ORLEN Unipetrol Group encompasses refineries and production plants in Litvínov and Kralupy nad Vltavou, Paramo in Pardubice, Spolana in Neratovice, REMAQ in Otrokovice, and two research centres in Litvínov and Brno. Unipetrol also includes the Benzina ORLEN filling station network in the Czech Republic and a network of ORLEN outlets in Slovakia and Hungary. In 2005, ORLEN Unipetrol became a member of the ORLEN Group, the largest multi-energy company in Central Europe. ORLEN Unipetrol employs almost 6,000 people and is active in corporate social responsibility. It seeks to promote initiatives that cultivate and support sustainable development, education, local communities, and the environment.

ORLEN Benzina is part of the ORLEN Unipetrol Group, which belongs to the multinational ORLEN Group and operates the largest network of petrol stations in the Czech Republic. In addition to EFECTA fuels with a purifying effect, ORLEN Benzina offers top-quality VERVA fuels and a wide range of refreshments within the STOP CAFE concept. ORLEN Benzina also issues its EASY and BUSINESS fuel cards and offers customers two mobile applications – the ORLEN Benzina loyalty app and the car care application, Mycí digi linka. ORLEN Benzina also provides power for alternative drives (LPG and CNG) and electricity. It has also launched the first self-service hydrogen filling stations in Prague and plans to open more. In total, ORLEN Benzina operates 436 petrol stations in the Czech Republic and has a market share of 23 per cent. Consumer confidence was confirmed by the fact that ORLEN Benzina was awarded the title of the Most Trusted Brand in the Czech Republic for the fifth time in a row and four times the Merchant of the Year.

Contact person:
Lada Gadas, +420 705 839 909, email:

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